Friday, May 14, 2010

Discussion Topic #1: The Role of Science in Informing Transboundary S&T Collaborations and/or Peace Park Implementation

To begin thinking about some of the discussion topics that we will be presented at the first meeting, we are posting a series of questions that may spark some ideas and comments among participants.

The first is:

“What insights do you think science has to inform transboundary science and technology collaborations and/or peace park implementation?”

We look forward to hearing your responses!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Science has a long history of correspondence regardless of national lines. As science is an intellectual pursuit, it might also help bring more grounded thought and discussion on challenging issues like climate change and resource scarcity. With widespread use of the internet, maybe science plus internet tools help encourage global discussions on transboundary issues of common concern.
