Monday, April 19, 2010


‘Charge to Participants’

The following is a list of five areas that participants can concentrate their efforts to optimize the time we have for fruitful discussion for our first meeting.

Your role in meeting the following charge will help guide subsequent discussion meetings and strategies for international S&T collaboration:

1. In order to optimize the discussion, it is important to gain familiarity with the Science article “China, India, and the Environment,”, as well as the case studies chosen as a basis for discussion. The article is available under the 'Research Papers of Interest' Section to the right.

2. Please be prepared to constructively discuss which cases warrant further examination to inform future discussions and to explain why.

3. Bring insights of innovative S&T transboundary protected areas, scientific peace parks, or other collaborations from your experiences.

4. Share your thoughts on strategies or opportunities presented from the case studies and the specific role of the U.S.

5. Bring ideas for future topics to be addressed in this series, as well as individuals to include for a specific topic, if appropriate.

Also, please feel free to interact through this website or contact us with articles or insights that would be valuable for the meeting participants. We can add specific websites or articles to the 'Research Papers of Interest' section, email information to

Announcing: Discussion 1 - Transboundary Resources in China and India: Science Diplomacy and Peace Parks

Sharing Insights on Science, Technology, and Environmental Resources Series
Discussion 1 -
Transboundary Resources in China and India: Science Diplomacy and Peace Parks

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
AAAS, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Revelle Room, Washington, D.C.
Enter through Entrance between 12 St. NW and H St. NW
Working Lunch Discussion - Lunch will be provided.

The theme of the first meeting is Transboundary Resources in China and India: Science Diplomacy and Peace Parks. The purpose of this discussion is to gain insights from the implementation of transboundary peace parks as a means of science diplomacy and scientific research in many parts of the world, and discuss their possible application in the context of China and India. Recently, Science magazine published an article, “China, India, and the Environment,” that highlights the importance of China and India in shaping the environmental outcomes for our planet, and describes the benefits and barriers to cooperation.

We will review four peace parks that have been implemented or proposed and identify
(i) the strengths and challenges of their implementation,
(ii) general themes or lessons learned from their application,
(iii) strategies that can be applied to the specific context in China and India, and
(iv) the potential role of the U.S. in future science diplomacy efforts between China and India.

Preliminary Agenda

9:30 Initial Welcome and Brief Remarks by AAAS and STPI (5 minutes)

9:35 Participant Introductions (10 minutes)

9:45 Intended Purpose and Goals of the Discussion (5 minutes)

9:50 Presentation: Professor Kamaljit S. Bawa, University of Massachusetts-Boston;
“China, India, and the Environment” – Benefits and Challenges to Cooperation (20 minutes)

10:10 Review of Peace/Science Park Case Studies and Q&A

10:10 Case Study #1: Middle East and Asia (25 minutes)

10:35 Case Study #2: Professor Marek Konarzewski, Minister Counselor Science and Technology Affairs, Embassy of Poland; Eastern Europe: Poland-Belarus (25 minutes)
11:00 Break (10 minutes)

11:10 Case Study #3: Professor Romain Murenzi, Former Minister Science, Technology and Scientific Research, Rwanda;
East Africa: Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi (25 minutes)

11:35 Case Study #4: Mr. Kent Biringer, Sandia National Laboratories;
Asia: India-Pakistan-China – Siachen Glacier (25 minutes)

12:00 Informal Conversation and Arrival of Lunch (20 minutes)

12:20 Discussion and Development of Strategies (60 minutes)

1:20 Break (10 minutes)

1:30 Synthesis of Discussion and Summary of Strategies for Cooperation (30 minutes)

2:00 Discussion of Roadmap for Series (20 minutes)

2:20 Wrap-up and Closing by AAAS (10 minutes)

2:30 Adjourn

Stay tuned for more details on speakers and confirmed participants coming soon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Shared Insights on Science, Technology, and Environmental Resources Series

In late May, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Science and Technology Policy Institute (STPI) will co-sponsor the first of several planned monthly discussions with the primary focus aimed a determining whether generalized insights can be discovered -- and lessons learned exist -- across historical and future science and technology (S&T) transboundary collaborations, conservation protected areas, and peace parks.

The series will occur monthly in Washington, D.C. and bring together experts familiar with S&T transboundary collaborations to share insights.

Stay tuned to this blog -- more details coming soon.